Everything you want to know about TOCA No Signal | Protection from radiation & surveillance | Cell phone & keyless
What is a Faraday cage?
A Faraday cage is basically a box designed to block electromagnetic fields. It is so named because in 1836, English scientist Michael Faraday proved that this was possible with the following experiment: He built a room lined with metal foil and discharged high voltages through the outside of the room. He was then able to measure, using an electroscope, that there was no electrical charge inside the room.
OK, so why do you need a Faraday bag = NO SIGNAL SLEEVE?
Every day the number of devices and technologies dealing with sensitive data, radiation and the flood of information we carry in our mobile phones increases. Our products work as a hardware solution to block communication between your phone and everything else! - because it blocks ALL signals from your device. If you really want to be offline, you need such a device because:
Enabling airplane mode is not enough:
When you activate airplane mode, your phone will no longer send information to the server, but will still receive it. For example, you will be located via GPS.
Turning off the phone is not enough:
Even if you turn off your phone, it can still send and receive data. For example, in a recent BBC interview, Edward Snowden talks about a technology called Dreamy Smurf that is able to turn your phone on and off without you noticing.
Will my phone fit?
Most likely yes, only the following extremely large devices will not fit: Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7.0; Huawei Honor Note 8; Sony Xperia Z Ultra; Sony Tablet P 3G; LG Optimus L3 E400; HTC Nexus 9; Samsung Galaxy C9 Pro or any device larger than (165mm x 82mm).
Our previous proposal:
To have a true offline experience with your smartphone - apart from removing the battery - we recommend that you activate airplane mode, place the smartphone in the Faraday bag of your TOCA and close it. This way, not only will the smartphone no longer send information, but it will also no longer receive information, as the metal mesh will block the signals from the antennas around you.
Thank you for your support! Toca Team!